Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My domain now points to my blog instead of my old (suspended) hosting account.

I'm still working on the new piece. It should be done in the next day or two so look out for that. :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blog Customization and New Art

I updated the layout, colors, etc in the blog. In other news, here's a WIP shot of my latest piece:

Monday, December 15, 2008


I've found that I get a ridiculously large amount of satisfaction from painting/drawing cats. Most artists have a "thing" they do. A consistent idiom they pursue in their work. I've never found it. Well, until now anyway. Better late than never I guess. :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Website Down...

...for the count. My website has been offline for a while and will probably stay offline for the foreseeable future. Not only do I not have the money to pay for hosting but I figure, what's the point? I can use free online services to get the exact same functionality. So my new website is now here. Yeah, it's Blogger but hey, if it's good enough for Ashley Wood then it's good enough for me. :)

UPDATE: I added links at the top to various websites I use. I'm going to start cross-posting my entries to deviantart. I also need to customize my blog design. I'll get around to it, eventually. :D

Monday, December 1, 2008

This is My New Website

This is going to be my new website. For years I've had my own web hosting but I don't see the point anymore with all these services from Google (plus, I simply don't have the extra cash). I'll be posting all of my news and thoughts here and my art on Flickr or Picasa Web Albums.